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Navigating the shift from customer service to coding

Mariana Caldas   2023-09-11

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In the rapidly evolving landscape of software development, professionals with diverse backgrounds bring unique perspectives and valuable skills to the table. Meet Thorrell Turner, a Mobile Software Developer currently dedicated to a healthcare platform that aims to improve accessibility to medical care. Balancing work and a family of five, Thorrell successfully transitioned from a career in Customer Service to the tech industry, leveraging his Bachelor's degree in Computer Science. With his solid foundation and a portfolio showcasing his expertise in mobile software development, Thorrell is driven to make a meaningful impact in the field.

Explore our interview with Thorrell as we delve into his inspiring story, his experiences in web development, and his significant contributions to the Web Dev Path project—an open-source initiative that empowers aspiring tech professionals, such as designers, developers, and project managers to gain practical, real-life experience. Through his narrative, we aim to inspire others considering a similar path and emphasize the boundless opportunities that come with embracing change and pursuing a fulfilling career in the ever-evolving world of mobile software development.

Can you share your experience, your background in web development, and how it led you to contribute to the Web Dev Path project?

Absolutely! My journey in web development began when I decided to make a career transition to software development. At the time, I had approximately one year of web development experience under my belt. Most recently, I completed a project utilizing React and Node.

While I was focusing on securing more job interviews to gain industry-worthy experience, a close friend introduced me to the Web Dev Path project. Intrigued by its details, I dove in and immediately knew that I wanted to be part of this initiative. I quickly familiarized myself with Next.js and React and reached out the very next day to offer my contribution.

As a software developer with full-stack experience, how do you see the Web Dev Path project benefiting aspiring web developers in their learning journey?

The Web Dev Path project offers aspiring web developers several valuable benefits. Firstly, it provides an opportunity to interact with an existing codebase, which is crucial since professionals will often encounter code written by others in their careers. This project allows individuals to enhance their ability to understand and work with unfamiliar code—an essential skill in the industry.

The project also offers access to more experienced developers, creating an invaluable learning environment. Being part of the Web Dev Path community saved me time and alleviated stress through discussions about solutions, strategies, and providing insights into the logic behind specific decisions.

Can you describe some of the key features and functionalities of the Web Dev Path project that make it a valuable resource for individuals looking to enter or progress in the field of web development?

For those lacking professional experience in the tech industry, like myself when I first contributed to the project, Web Dev Path plays a significant role in introducing core aspects of the development lifecycle. Participants have the opportunity to assign themselves tasks with requirements, test code, document changes, and more—replicating real-world scenarios.

From my perspective as a developer starting out, the most impactful aspect of the Web Dev Path project was the experience gained with Git. This ranged from cloning a repository, running it on my local machine, to completing pull requests and merging changes. In fact, during an interview that led to my first job offer, I successfully answered a Git question based on knowledge gained through my involvement with the project.

How do you believe the Web Dev Path project promotes a sense of community and knowledge sharing among aspiring web developers, considering your personal values of collaboration and learning?

The Web Dev Path community emanates warmth and a genuine eagerness to assist others. It creates a safe space where individuals feel empowered to ask questions, even if they consider them "dumb." This environment fosters learning and personal growth.

Having mostly pursued my journey in isolation, it was a refreshing change to engage in brainstorming dialogues within the community and discover insightful articles or videos recommended by fellow members. I quickly realized how much I had limited myself by not embracing collaboration earlier.

What advice would you give to aspiring web developers who are interested in leveraging the Web Dev Path project to enhance their skills and knowledge? How can they make the most out of this open-source resource?

To those interested in maximizing their benefit from the Web Dev Path project, I encourage you to dive in even before you feel completely ready. Embrace the challenge of stepping out of your comfort zone, as that's where lasting knowledge is truly built.

Additionally, make sure to document and leverage the experience gained from contributing to an open-source project like this. Take notes of your contributions with the intention of showcasing them on your resume or discussing them during interviews.

For those with limited tech experience on their resume, consider using headings like "Technical Experience" and "Non-technical Experience" instead of the traditional "Work Experience." Under the "Technical Experience" section, you can list any technical work experience you may have, as well as your open-source contributions and personal projects. This approach can provide an edge and catch the attention of recruiters, especially if your "Technical Experience" section spans half a page or more.


Thorrell's journey from Customer Service to Tech exemplifies the possibilities that arise from transitioning careers. Through his interview, Thorrell invites aspiring web developers to embrace challenges and leverage resources like open-source projects to enhance their skills and knowledge in the dynamic field of web development.

As we conclude our conversation with Thorrell, we encourage you to explore the transformative impact of the Web Dev Path project. Join the vibrant community of like-minded individuals, embark on your own journey of growth, and unlock new opportunities. Visit the Web Dev Path website to discover how you can contribute and propel your web development career forward.

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Front-End dev | Scrum Master here! <> Hello :) </> JavaScript, React.js, Next.js, and CMS platforms (WordPress)

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